Lotto Blog: first page

Some verified curiosities from the world of Lotto and beyond...

Welcome to our blog where we mainly write about "sure bets" in numerical games like lotto, but not only. We try to find algorithm solutions and discuss important topics relevant to everyone. If you have information about a "sure bet", write to us and we'll feature it on the blog. Remember, to succeed and win a fortune, you need a bit of luck, creativity, and hard work. The rest will follow without much effort.
We warmly invite you to visit!

Remember! At Tytanit, everyone is healthy only not everyone was lucky ;)

The terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, which killed over 3,000 people, was one of the largest acts of terrorism in history. Many people who were in the World Trade Center buildings at the time of the attack were lucky because they weren't at work. For those who worked there, it was a tragic day. For those who were sick or on vacation, it meant they avoided death or injury.
However, it should be remembered that this attack was a tragic event for many families and individuals who lost loved ones, whether they were in the buildings at the time of the attack or not. It was a terrible act of violence that left deep scars in the hearts of many people.

And now a riddle:

How many legs does a horse have?

  • 2 front

  • 2 back

  • 2 left (front and back)

  • 2 right (front and back)

the answer depends on how you count ;) - the most important thing is to be accurate.

Does cold exist?

Cold does not exist - we can have a lot of heat, more heat, we can have super heat, mega heat, infinite heat, white heat, a bit of heat or no heat, but we cannot say there is such a thing as cold. We can lower the temperature to (absolute zero) −273.15oC, to the temperature where there is no more heat, but we can't go lower. So there is no such thing as cold. In other words, we cannot measure cold. We can measure heat because heat is energy. Cold is just a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat we can measure due to the fact that heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, only its absence.

Does darkness exist?

What would night be without darkness? Darkness is not something, but the absence of something. We can have little light, normal light, bright light, flashing light, but if there is no continuous light, then we see nothing and call it darkness.

Evil does not exist.

Evil is only the result of the absence of God. It is like darkness or cold, words that people use to describe the absence of something. So evil is a word describing the absence of good, the absence of God's presence. God did not create evil. It is the result of what happens when we lack love for God. It is like cold when there is no heat, like darkness when there is no light.

Science cannot even explain - what is thought?

We use the term: electricity or magnetism, but no one has been able to see or understand it. To look at death as the opposite of life we ignore the fact that death cannot exist as a factual thing. Death is not the opposite of life, but its absence.
Thoughts taken from the book "God and Science" by Albert Einstein published in 1921.
Lotto is a constant belief in something that cannot be predicted every time, but which gives us a new learning.
Playing the lottery, like any form of gambling, is based on chance and probability. You cannot predict the outcome of every draw, which means there is no effective way to increase your chances of winning. Therefore, playing the lottery is often seen as a form of entertainment rather than a way to gain wealth.
However, playing the lottery can give us some learning, for example:
  • Learning to face the consequences of your financial decisions and learning how to deal with failures,
  • Learning to make decisions about spending money and planning finances,
  • Learning that there is no such thing as "easy money" and that you have to work hard to achieve financial success,
However, it is important to remember that when playing the lottery, it should be done responsibly and not consume your entire budget on this entertainment.


Kolektura Lotto - jak zacząć sprzedawać?

Czy warto otworzyć kolekturę lotto, jakie można z niej czerpać profity? Poradnik dla przedsiębiorców zainteresowanych instalacją u siebie Lottomatu

Monday, 18:00 21.03.2022 by Adam Bartoszewski

Tags: #lottomat#kolektura lotto#kolektura