Number repetitions
eurojackpot drawing number: 435 dated 2020-07-17 Fri

Map of eurojackpot repeatability numbers in the range from 1 to 50

The following statistics depicts the arrangement of number repeatability in the given range of draws in the form of a drawing map. Thanks to this statistics, we know which numbers were drawn most often.
Numbers are sorted have been frequency of occurrence - the most frequently drawn number is presented first.

Suma wystąpień dla liczb z zakres od 1 do 50

Poniższa statystyka przedstawia sumę wystąpień dla wszystkich liczb z zakresu od 1 do 50. Liczby posortowane zostały pod względem częstości padania - najczęściej losowana liczba przedstawiona została jako pierwsza od lewej.

Summary of draws number occurrences - numbers from 1 to 50 (only even)

The following statistics presents a summary arrangement of number repeatability - the number and the number of falls in a given range of draws, which is selected when generating statistics.
Numbers are sorted have been frequency of occurrence - the most frequently drawn number is presented to the left. Even numbers are included in the analysis.

Summary of draws number falls - numbers from 1 to 50 (only odd)

The following statistics presents a summary arrangement of number repeatability - the number and the number of falls in a given range of draws, which is selected when generating statistics.
Numbers are sorted have been frequency of occurrence - the most frequently drawn number is shown first. Odd numbers are included in the analysis.

Summary of draws number repetitions - numbers from 1 to 50 with division into 5 ranges

The following statistics presents a summary arrangement of number repeatability as well as sorting in ranges. In the analysis, all numbers occurring in the even range and odd numbers are included.


Observing the frequency of number occurrence allows us to find cyclic repetitions of individual patterns marked on the drawing map. Our analyses are purely statistical, just like Google Trend's, with the only difference that we draw input data from official results of numerical lotto games. We hereby do not encourage gambling or gambling. Our website addresses informational and educational topics and does not encourage or promote gambling games.