Harris-Benedict Calculator: Your Caloric Needs

Caloric Needs and Balanced Lifestyle

The Harris-Benedict Calculator is a tool used to determine daily caloric needs based on gender, age, weight, and level of physical activity. It is a useful tool for diet planning and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The Harris-Benedict formulas for men and women are as follows:

Wzory Harrisa-Benedicta dla mężczyzn i kobiet prezentują się następująco:

  • Mężczyźni: Zapotrzebowanie kaloryczne = 88.362 + (13.397 x waga [kg]) + (4.799 x wzrost [cm]) - (5.677 x wiek [lata])
  • Kobiety: Zapotrzebowanie kaloryczne = 447.593 + (9.247 x waga [kg]) + (3.098 x wzrost [cm]) - (4.330 x wiek [lata])

Online Harris-Benedict Calculator

The Harris-Benedict Calculator will help you understand how many calories you need per day to maintain weight or achieve specific nutritional goals. Balanced delivery of the right amount of calories is crucial for the healthy functioning of the body.

What is the Harris-Benedict Calculator?

While the Harris-Benedict Calculator is a valuable tool, it's important to note that the composition of the diet, the types of foods consumed, and the quality of nutrients also impact overall health. Therefore, it is recommended to use the calculator as support for a conscious approach to nutrition.


The Harris-Benedict Calculator provides an estimated assessment of caloric needs and does not account for individual differences in metabolism or health specifics. Individuals with high physical activity may need more calories than the Harris-Benedict formula suggests.

How We Can Help?

  • Weight Management
  • Achieving Nutritional Goals
  • Healthy Eating